Guest Posts

Share Your Story With Lucy’s Friends

Looking To Share Your Pets Story On This Blog?

We welcome original posts and articles. We aim at sharing unique stories about your pets so that others can connect with them; specially if your pet has a social media account that you want Lucy’s friends to learn about. We prioritize posts from pet owners, doggy day cares, pet experts, and knowledgeable individuals.

How it Works


Get the conversation started. Reach out to us to discuss the idea or simply send us your story along with your contact information.

Meet Lucy

Get to know Lucy by exploring her social media accounts and videos to learn how you can connect and engage with her friends effectively. Let us know if you need more information about her to make your post more appealing.

Schedule a Date!

Let’s work together on Release Date for your post. We can schedule post for publication within a week from submission date.  

Publication Options

We can help you increase your audience with the right format for your pet’s story. Review these options:

Single Tail Post

A short post with 300 to 500 word count with one social media link for your pet and one picture. There is no boring pet story, share the excitement with Lucy’s friends.

One pet only.

Two Tail Story

Tell the whole story and share a bit more about your pets. Word count allowed up to 700 which can include up to two social media links for your pets and two pictures.

Two pets allowed.

The Tail Pack

This unique post format allows sharing up to 5 social media accounts/profiles and up to two links to one pet-related website. Includes  up to 5 non-published pictures and up to 1200 words.

Multiple pets allowed.

Why Lucy?

Lucy is a Jack Russell terrier pup with a strong social media presence. The brand “Lucy Does It” is currently under a registration process as a trademark. The Lucy Does It brand is sponsored by Maids by Trade; a house cleaning company that publishes pet friendly cleaning tips.


Trusted Brand


Engaging Content


Professionally Managed

Let’s Help Each Other

Reach a Bigger Audience

The Lucy Does It brand was created with the purpose of increasing a better sense of responsibility in pet ownership; while helping each other learn by sharing our pet stories and experiences with Lucy’s friends. Know that posting and sharing your pet’s story can open a whole new world for you and your pet.

Dog Owner Comments

Coming soon… “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi volutpat, leo quis hendrerit dictum, sapien libero fermentum justo, eget faucibus diam arcu sit amet nisi. Duis rutrum diam ut enim malesuada lacinia.”

Coming soon… “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi volutpat, leo quis hendrerit dictum, sapien libero fermentum justo, eget faucibus diam arcu sit amet nisi. Duis rutrum diam ut enim malesuada lacinia.”

Coming soon… “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi volutpat, leo quis hendrerit dictum, sapien libero fermentum justo, eget faucibus diam arcu sit amet nisi. Duis rutrum diam ut enim malesuada lacinia.”

Why Publish With Lucy?

Increase your pets audience and online interaction with Lucy’s friends, but more importantly, get more traction on search engines.  Whether you have a website or social media profile, it’s important to get backlinks that point to your profile or website; Purple Forte explains that link exchanging or backlinking is a high priority to increase online visibility.

You Need To Know

Please don’t bother submitting content that has been previously published or that is plagiarized from another website. We do NOT publish duplicate content. Thanks for your interest in publishing with Lucy Does It.



Publication Dates

Submitted guest posts are published first come first serve and we limit how many articles are published each week. Know that we have specific days and times to publish articles. Please contact us if your post needs to be released on a specific date. We will do our best to accommodate your request.