One paw at a time.
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Lucy’s Friend
Lucy’s Adventures
Walks to the park
Trips to the river
Couch-potato mode
Running on the corridor trail
Shopping for new toys
Loves opening packages
Any adventure suggestions for Lucy?
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Top Puppy Tips
(Straight from the dog’s mouth)
Let The Puppy Sleep
“Puppies love sleeping and so do I. Let your puppy sleep as many hours as the puppy pleases. You cannot go wrong allowing your puppy to enjoy those precious moments in bed. Your pet will love you more.”
Let’s Talk MORE Treats
“You read this right! The more treats the merrier; take my word for it, I know what I am talking about. The next time you go grocery shopping, make a quick stop at the pet supply store to fill up on treats, and a toy or two.”
Get Active, NOW
“I don’t like activity, no puppy ever said; walk, run, or anything that will motivate and keep the puppy active. Stairs or hallways are just not enough. Walks in the neighborhood or park will do, twice a day if possible.
My Story
I lived my first months of life on a farm where I felt very sad because humans didn’t have enough time for me, since there were other animals that needed their attention. My parents fed me but they also had to take care of my little siblings, so I shared with them all their attention and care.
One day, other humans came to visit the farm, and after a few hours they took me to live with them. Since then my life has changed, now I am a happy puppy; I receive tons of love, care and lots of treats. I am happy and I know that I should not ask for more, but if my daddies read this … I want them to know that one day I would like them to adopt a little brother for me. Somewhere out there is a puppy that needs love too. I know, I can feel it.
Having a Cuteness Overload?
Lucy is available for connecting and engaging with other pets, business and organizations. Reach out to my humans with any ideas, silly or not, let’s discuss it. hello{}