Walk Your Dog Day

Walk Your Dog Day

Walk Your Dog Day is coming up on February 22nd – what better chance to appreciate your dog and give him or her a unique day to feel loved and respected! According to the American Pet Products Association (APPA), 47 percent of American households own at least one dog,...
Honoring Ginger and Chancho

Honoring Ginger and Chancho

This unfortunate event took place in Glendale Arizona during a storm. @thaliamaricela posted on her Twitter account about the ran away on November 6 “#Glendale #AZ #Arizona please keep an eye out for my #missingdogs that ran away from my sister’s house due to...
Lost & Found Resources

Lost & Found Resources

Use the websites and resources to report lost and found pets. Help us increase our list by commenting in the section below. Fido Finder is a website that targets the United States of America and Canada. Finding Rover is a website that lets you find, report, and even...
Cleaning Dog Gear—Keeping Fido’s Belongings in Check

Cleaning Dog Gear—Keeping Fido’s Belongings in Check

Guest post by Maids by Trade “When it comes to home cleaning priorities, washing and organizing the dog gear probably isn’t at the top of your list. It’s understandable, after all, our pets are animals, so why put in the extra effort to make sure they’re just as...